
Turning your iPhone into an intuitive hardware key


Step 1 - Get the app

Install the Authreq app on your iPhone from the App Store. Authreq requires iOS 11 or later.

Make sure you enable push notifications when asked, as these are vital for Authreq.

Step 2 - Visit 'Purple Bank'

We've created a sample website that demonstrates the capabilities of Authreq. It resembles an online banking site, and we're calling it Purple Bank.

Once you've linked your iPhone to your account at Purple Bank, the site will require your approval at each login attempt and for each outgoing payment.

Log in with the following credentials to begin:

User name: charlie
Password: demo

There might be a previous user's iPhone linked to the demo account. If so, press 'Reset Demo Account'. This will unenrol the previous user's device so that you can access the same demo account.

Go to Purple Online Banking

Step 3 - Link your device

Select Charles Bucket's name in the upper right corner and click on 'Protect your account with Authreq'. You will be taken to the enrolment page where you'll find a button and a QR code. If you are viewing this page on your iPhone, tap on 'Add to Authreq'. Otherwise, scan the QR code with your iPhone's camera application.

A new request will appear in Authreq. ('Enrolment - Purple Bank')
Choose 'Allow' to sign this challenge and link your device to the Purple Online Banking account.

A confirmation message will automatically appear in your browser.

Step 4 - Try it out

Log out from Purple Online Banking by pressing the power button in the upper-right corner.

Try logging in again. The website will now ask you to approve the login attempt on your iPhone before you can continue.

View the notification by using 3D Touch or by sliding to the left and selecting View. Tap on Allow to approve the login attempt, or More Information to open Authreq and see more.

Step 5 - Try another scenario

Select Payments > Make a Payment. Select a source and a recipient, and enter an amount. Click on Next, then click on Sign to initiate the transaction. You'll receive a push notification on your iPhone with a transaction summary. Approve it in Authreq to start the transaction.

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